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Saturday 12 March 2016

Cream of tomatoes soup

                  Cream of tomatoes soup


Welcome to our kitchen.
Today,we are making  a very simple and easy soup.

Tomatoes soup..cream of tomatoes soup..!

Red orange mix colour of tomatoes  fascinate everyone.I always love to use tomatoes in my recipes.

But do you know the beautiful colour of this tomatoes unfold many of its natural goodness..

That should be known by us..( the nature's khazana)--

Let us  quickly I want to share some goodness of red glossy tomatoes..
A natural health benefits..

According to WHO,here is the health benefits of tomatoes..

Tomatoes are excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin k and biotin.

This is also very good source of copper, potassium,magnese and dietry fibre, Vitamin A ( in the form of beta carotene) B6, folate, niacin vitamin E and phosphorus.

Due to it's some benificial phytochemicals such as lycopene ( because of lycopene the colour of tomatoes are red),the tomatoes are also play role in preventing diseases.

*High in vitamin C  and other antioxidants.

*Ward off cancer..especially cuts prostrate cancer risk because it contains lycopene.

*High in vitamin A --  good for eyes--guarding against age related  macular degeneration.

*Good  blood sugar regulator.

*Helps to inhibit heart disease.

*High in potassium ..good for high blood pressure control BP.

*keep skin healthy.

*Reduces hair problem.

*Control weight.

*Reduce chronic pain.

*Lastly it help to balance mental health..the folic acid in tamotoes may help with depression.Because it prevent an excessof homocysteine from the form in the body, which can prevent blood and other nutrients from reaching the brain.

Excess homocysteine may  interferes  with the production of the feel good hormones serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine which regulate mood swing, sleep and appetite.

So,it promote sound sleep and help in regulations of mood swings.

Let's note down very quickly the ingredients and the right recipe of this awesome soup.

Cream of tomatoes soup

So..I am here with a health boosting soup.
This awesome soup is appreciated by my whole family.

Rich in taste..and healthy too.

Let's us make  this warm creamy sip of soup and enjoy your evening..

First we make this one..

Come and join me..

        Cream of  tomatoes soup

Preparation time: 5 -7 minute
Cooking time15-20 minutes
Serve 3 bowl


1/2 kg tomatoes ( wash,cleaned and finely chopped)

4tbsp(tablespoons) of butter

2 large onion ( finely chopped)

1 tsp of grated ginger

1tsp of finely chopped garlic

3-4 tablespoons of cornflour

2cup of milk

4tbsp fresh cream

2 and 1/2cup water

Salt to taste

1tsp crushed  Pepeer powder( prefer white pepper powder)

2-3 bay leaves ( tejpatta)


*Heat butter in a non stick deep pan.

*Add chopped onions,grated ginger,garlic paste,bay leaves. saute for 2-3 minutes on medium heat, while stirring occasionally.

*Add tomatoes. Saute for another 3-4 minutes,while stirring occasionally.

*Add 2 1/2 cup of water or (add more according to your preference).

*Cook on medium heat fo 4-5 minutes while stirring occasionally.

*Switch off the gas. Let them cool down completely.

*When it becomes cool, discard bay leaves.puree the tomatoes mixture to the mixer grinder.

Seive it in a stainer...discard solid waste .
( do not through the excess waste water extract of tomatoes..Use in your soup  accordingly.

*Meanwhile in a another pan add cornflour in a milk.Mix well.

*Heat a pan,add tomatoes puree along with tomatoes excess water.

*Add conflour milk mixture slowly by slowly into your tomatoes puree..

*Make sure that this time your heat is very low.( simmer) otherwise the soup will curdle.

*Mix well.Cook on slow heat for atleast 10 minutes, while stirring occasionally.

*Increase the heat,add salt and pepper powder.Cook for 3-4 minutes.

*Check the consistency,It should be not very thick and nor very thin.

If you think  that water is needed then adjust water to your preference.

* Lastly add fresh cream. stir well.

*Switch off the gas.

*Garnish with  fresh cream.

*Serve hot with bread crutons and enjoy this very yummy, tasty rich warm soup.

My mom tips-

*Always add milk in soup when heat is low otherwise it may curdle the soup.

* If tomatoes are sour, add little bit of sugar ( about 1 tea spoon )while boiling the tomatoes.

*Never overcook  tomatoes while making soup because it may reduce the nutrition of tomatoes as well as its colour.

*Use milk in your soup,it will enhance the taste of soup.

*Use ginger and garlic in your soup for good taste as well as  good for health.

*Always check the taste of soup before serving it..
The tomatoes soup should be not very tangy.(always try to balance the sourness of tomatoes soup..because it is cream of tomatoes soup..it should be creamy in texture and taste should be not very sour.) Over sour taste will kill the actual  taste of cream of tomatoes soup.

So,be sure that tomatoes are ripen enough.For making this awesome soup the tomatoes should be less sour.
I am sure,that you will be happy to make this creamy soup and enjoy your day.

Note -
Tbsp-- tablespoon
Tsp- teaspoon.

That's all for today.

We shall come very soon. With some more exciting recipes.

Keep watching us.

Thanks for reading my blog.

We are signing off,


Take care.


Our thoughts,

Cook & share

Happy cooking.

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