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Saturday 13 February 2016

Valentines day special- Delicious gulab jamun

                            Gulab jamun


A very warm welcome to our kitchen. Today is valentines day..
Everyone is trying for new recipes for this special day..some people makes cakes, cookies, chocolate but we want to celebrate this with tradional way..

Just with all-time favourite ..gulab jamuns..rich and royal for its taste.

My bhabhi's favourite.... Gulab jamun.!
She is very fond of these gulab jamuns..

Today, we are going to share with you both traditional and instant method of  making gulab jamuns.

We love to make this rich awesome sweet and enjoy it with our family members.

Why you are waiting?
just make it for those you care and love.!
Cooking and making some awesome recipes for your Valentine is best way to express your love to them!

Sweet warm gulab jamun with ice cream goes awesome  in taste!

Celebrate your special day with this Indian traditional delicacy.
Lip smacking gulab jamun are waiting for you.

Let's make the delicious galab jamuns.

I have made two types of gulab jamuns...traditional and  instant method..
With two type of colour..light golden brown and dark brown in colour.
You can make with any method with your preferences.

Gulab jamun-  ( Traditional method)

Preparation time:10 minutes
Cooking time:35 minutes
Makes 8 gulab jamuns

For the gulab jamuns -

1 cup grated khoya/ mawa
1/2 cup grated/mashed paneer
5 tbs refined flour (maida)
1tsp sugar
1/4 tsp cardamom powder( optional)

For the filling-

1 tbsp of finely chopped pistas
Few soaked saffron strands in 2 tsp of water

For the sugar syrup-

2 cup sugar
A few saffron strands (kesar)
1 cup water
1-2 wedges of lemon or 2-3 tsp of milk

For frying the gulab jamuns
Ghee/ refine oil for deep frying


For the sugar syrup-

*Heat 1 cup water in a large heavy bottom pan add sugar and lemon wedges or milk.
( the milk or lemon wedges help to reduce the impurities of sugar syrup.)

Dissolve the sugar in  a water and bring to boil.
Discard the impurities of sugar syrup with the help of ladle.
Make sure that sugar syrup is clear..( there should be no dirt in syrup.)

*Simmer the heat and cook the syrup till the syrup is of one string consistency.

*Add the kesar (saffron) and keep aside.

For the gulab jamuns-

*In a bowl, combine khoya; refine flour, 1 tsp sugar, grated /mashed paneer and cardamom powder.
Mix well and knead firm dough very lightly with your palm/ hand without using any water.

*Divide the mixture into 8 equal portions and roll into a round shape (like a medium size ball).
Take one portion of a mixture (ball) and make a small katori with help of your palm.

*Fill the finely chopped pistas and and one thread of soaked saffron strand in it.
Bring together all the sides in the centre and seal the all edges tightly.

*One should take care while rolling the ball, because there should have no cracks on the surface, otherwise the gulab  jamuns will cracks while frying.

*Heat the ghee in a heavy bottom kadhai/ pan.
*Take 4 balls in a batch and deep fry in a ghee over slow flame till the gulab jamuns are golden brown in colour.(it takes  8 to10 minutes).( here I made two colours light golden brown and darm brown in colour.)
You can make with your preference..  Make with,which colour suit you.

*Likewise fry all the gulab jamuns balls.
* warm up the sugar syrup for 3-4 minutes in medium flame.
*Drain and put all the gulab jamuns in warm sugar syrup simmer the heat, take a one boil over slow flame.
*Soaked in syrup for 2 to 3  hours.
*Gulab jamun is ready to eat.
Serve warm.

My mom Tips-
*one should take care while rolling the ball. There should not have any cracks on the surface otherwise it will crack while frying it.
*Gulab jamun should be fried in a ghee / refine oil over slow flame for atleast 8 to 10 minutes as otherwise the inside will remain uncooked.

*Make sure that the sugar syrup is warm enough when you put the gulab jamun in the sugar syrup, otherwise gulab jamuns will not soaked  the syrup.
* Make sure that sugar syrup should be one string consistency only.

Let's make with instant method of  gulab jamun.

                    Instant gulab jamun

Instant gulab jamun.

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time 25 minutes
Make 8 gulab jamuns

For sugar syrup-

2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup water
Few drop of lemon or 1 to 2 lemon wedges
Or 4-5 tbsp of milk

For gulab jamun-
1 table spoon maida/ refine flour
2-3 tsp (tea spoon) sooji (semolina) - soaked in a 2 tbsp of water
1/2 cup or 5 table spoon milk powder
1 pinch of baking soda / 1/4 tsp of baking soda.
2-3 tbsp milk
1 tsp of ghee ( clarified butter) ( tea spoon)

Ghee / refine oil for frying


For the sugar syrup-

*Heat the broad non stick pan /kadhai.
*Add 1 cup sugar and 1 and 1/2 cup water.
*Add lemon wedges to the syrup.let it boil for a minute.
( remove the dirt / impurities of sugar syrup with the help of laddle)

*Mix well and cook on medium flame for 4 to 5 minutes while stirring occasionally or till the sugar syrup become of 1 thread consistency. Keep aside.

For gulab jamun-

*Take a bowl add maida,soaked sooji,milk powder and 1 tsp of ghee .
Mix well.
*Add baking soda.mix well.
*Add little amount of milk at a time ( 2-3 tbsp milk).mix well.
* If needed  again add 2-3 tsp of milk.
*Mix lighly with our hand.( do not knead as a wheat flour)
Just lightly mix all the ingredients.
Rest it for couple of minutes ( for 5 minutes)
*Grease your hand / palms with  little amount of ghee.
Divide the mixture into 8 equal portion.
*Make round crack less ball of each portion with help of your palm.
*Heat the ghee/ refine oil in a kadhai / pan.Make sure the  ghee / oil is heated enough to fry these balls.
( the oil/ ghee  shouldn't be over heated or under heated.
Take a very small portion of mixture and put it in a oil/ ghee.if oil/ ghee is heated enough it will come upside in oil and start frying.. It is a right time to dip the ballsinto the oil/ ghee.
* Add 3-4 ball at a time in a ghee/ oil.
* Cook on medium heat until the gulab jamun balls are light golden brown in colour.
Take it out from oil.
*likewise fry all the balls.
* warm up the sugar syrup for 3-4 minute on medium heat.
* put all the balls / gulab jamun in warm sugar  syrup.
* stirr gentely that all sugar syrup coated the ball evenly.
* Switch off the gas.
* Rest it for 1hour for soaking the sugar syrup in gulab jamun.
* After that gulab jamun is ready to  serve.

* Use as required . if you like warm gulab jamun then just lukewarm the galab jamun,otherwise just  have it.
* I have a serving suggestion-- warm Gulab jamuns always goes very yummy with vanilla ice cream.
If You have ice cream, have it with them and enjoy the delicacies of Indian sweets.

That's all for today,
Have a nice day.
We will come back very soon with some more delicious recipes.

Till then,
We are signing off.

Our thoughts
Happy Cooking.

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